Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Semester 1 - done and dusted!

Well today I had my final exam for my first semester of Uni. This one was for my education unit and dare I say it was a little trickier than the one I had yesterday for my foundation unit. Now I have a two month winter break and I don't know quite what to do with myself. I've become so used to spending each night chained to my desk, reading books, making notes, smashing out assignments and all round just studying like crazy that now this semester is all over and done with, I'm feeling a little bit lost. So what to do...? Start a blog!

You see I love to write. Well I love to read and write and so University has been a perfect fit for me so far. I'm currently doing a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Creative Writing but I have my fingers crossed that I will be accepted into a Bachelor of Education degree next semester so that I can work towards my goal of becoming a secondary English teacher.

It hasn't been all roses for me so far though. My first semester was fraught with challenges - not all of it University related. I wasn't sure I was even going to make it through the first few weeks let alone the whole semester. So I'm pretty chuffed about how far I've come already. And I've actually done well - snapping up some pretty great marks along the way. But boy do I miss spending quality time with my son. And let's not even go there with the state of my house (I think I stopped doing housework the minute I started University). And so the struggle begins: finding the balance between study, work, being a parent and running a home.

My balance at the moment is far from ideal and this break is sure going to come in handy to get things in order, so that by the time second semester rolls around, things will be running smoothly - or at least that's the plan! Starting tomorrow I'm going to draw up some plans and write a list for what needs to get done so I can see where to start.

If you are anything like me, feeling slightly overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way, then join me on this journey. Through University. Through parenthood. Through work. And let's all work together to create the optimal balance in each and every one of our lives. We all strive for it - so now let's achieve it!

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