Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Aftermath

Well we survived the storm. It was nowhere near as bad as what we were told to expect... or at least I didn't think it was. But as you can see we did lose our back fence. That came crashing down when the winds first started. Luckily we'd brought our dog Tessa inside just before it started or our neigbours might have found themselves with a new pet - like they did this morning.

My partner Dave went over to visit the neighbours this morning to discuss the fence situation and they were nice enough to say that our dog could be let loose, they didn't mind if she ended up in their back garden as their dog had use of the house and the front garden. So Dave came home and let Tessa loose from her lead and within minutes she was roaming around the neighbour's back garden and very quickly discovered their open back door. "Yay a chance to introduce myself to the neighbours", she thought. So in she went, jumping up at the neighbours and peeing with excitement all through their house as she chased their little staffy. I bet they're now wishing they never said we could let her loose. So one horse lead later and she's now tied up to our back patio to hopefully minimise anymore friendly encounters. Plus the neighbours have washing on the line and little do they know Tessa likes to help bring the washing in.

Tessa. Our very cheeky Rottweiler x Labrador.

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